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ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI BAKTERI SELULOLITIK ASAL LIMBAH AMPAS TEBU (BAGASSE) Erina Safitri (118180031) Pembimbing: Dewi Chusniasih, M.Sc Dr. Erma Suryanti, M.Si ABSTRAK Ampas tebu merupakan salah satu hasil sampingan dari pembuatan gula pasir atau olahan minuman yang menjadi limbah di lingkungan. Limbah ampas tebu ini akan ditumbuhi oleh bakteri selulolitik yang akan menghasilkan enzim selulase. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi, mengkarakaterisasi dan mengetahui aktivitas enzim selulase bakteri secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Prosedur penelitian meliputi isolasi dan karakterisasi bakteri, uji aktivitas enzim selulase secara kualitatif, kurva standar bakteri, kurva pertumbuhan bakteri, produksi enzim selulase ekstrak kasar, kurva standar glukosa, uji aktivitas enzim secara kuantitatif, dan analisis data. Karakterisasi bakteri menunjukkan 6 isolat dengan karakter makroskopis beragam baik warna, elevasi, tepian dan bentuk koloni, 3 isolat basil, 1 isolat basil pendek dan 2 isolat kokus, semua isolat positif uji amilum, TSIA, dan katalase, 5 isolat positif sitrat, dan 3 isolat positif motil. Hasil uji kualitatif enzim selulase menunjukkan dari 6 isolat bakteri yang berhasil diisolasi terdapat 2 isolat bakteri yang memiliki indeks selulolitik tertinggi yaitu AT1 sebesar 1,79 dan isolat BAW3 sebesar 1,72 pada media CMC 0,5%. Hasil uji kuantitatif enzim selulase dari dua isolat terpilih sebesar 0,01176 U/ml untuk isolat bakteri AT1 dan 0,01170 U/ml untuk isolat bakteri BAW3 dan masih tergolong ke dalam degradasi yang rendah. Kata kunci: Ampas tebu, bakteri selulolitik, enzim selulase, kualitatif, kuantitatif ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CELLULOLYTIC BACTERIA ORIGIN OF SUGARCANE WASTE (BAGASSE) Erina Safitri (118180031) Supervisors: Dewi Chusniasih, M.Sc Dr. Erma Suryanti, M.Si ABSTRACT Bagasse is one of the by-products of the manufacture of granulated sugar or processed drinks that become waste in the environment. This bagasse waste will be overgrown by cellulolytic bacteria which will produce cellulase enzymes. The purpose of this study was to isolate, characterize and determine the activity of bacterial cellulase enzymes qualitatively and quantitatively. The research procedures included the isolation and characterization of bacteria, qualitative test of cellulase enzyme activity, bacterial standard curve, bacterial growth curve, crude extract cellulase enzyme production, glucose standard curve, quantitative enzyme activity test, and data analysis. Bacterial characterization showed 6 isolates with various macroscopic characters in color, elevation, margin and colony shape, 3 isolates of bacilli, 1 isolate of short bacillus and 2 isolates of cocci, all isolates were positive for starch, TSIA, and catalase tests, 5 isolates were positive for citrate, and 3 were positive for citrate, 3 motile positive isolate. The results of the qualitative test of the cellulase enzyme showed that from the 6 bacterial isolates that were isolated, there were 2 bacterial isolates that had the highest cellulolytic index, namely AT1 of 1.79 and BAW3 isolates of 1.72 on 0.5% CMC media. The results of the quantitative test of the cellulase enzyme from the two selected isolates were 0.01176 U/ml for AT1 bacterial isolates and 0.01170 U/ml for BAW3 bacterial isolates and still classified into low degradation. Keywords: Bagasse, cellulolytic bacteria, cellulase enzymes, qualitative, quantitative

