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Strategi Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Produk Tapis Lampung Berbasis Model Bisnis Kanvas di Desa Lugusari, Kabupaten Pringsewu

Local economic development is an important aspect of supporting regional development. Lugusari Village has potential in the development of the local economy of Tapis products. Tapis is a local industrial product that seen as having great potential to be developed further until it’s able to drive regional economic development. This research aims to formulate local economic development strategies for Tapis products in Lugusari, with a target of: identifying the characteristics of Tapis product development in Lugusari; analyzing the value chain activities of Tapis products in Lugusari; and formulating local economic development strategies for Tapis products in Lugusari. Research uses qualitative descriptive analysis methods with value chain analysis, canvas business model analysis, and SWOT analysis. The research findings show that: Tapis Industry in Lugusari has a chance to grow based on the characteristics of the local economic development; Tapis industry in Lugusari Village has a value chain that is more favorable to the middleman in product value flows so that the craftsmen don’t have the opportunity to develop their own business; and local economic development strategy of tapis products with a new design of the canvas business model in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Sector of Tapestries in Lugusari.


Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal (PEL) Model Bisnis Kanvas UMKM Tapis Rantai Nilai